PATHWAYS Community
BlueCross BlueShield of Kansas
PATHWAYS to a Healthy Kansas
The Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas initiative, Pathways to a Healthy Kansas, combines community-wide evidence-based solutions and promising practices for improving active living, healthy eating, and tobacco prevention to make a large impact across multiple sectors in communities. The program provides community coalitions with the tools and resources needed to engage their communities and remove barriers to healthy living. Deb Kolb, Barber County United Coordinator of the Pathways program, manages the collaborative project addressing social determinants of health across the county.
PATHWAYS to a Healthy Kansas
Addressing three key risk factors to health.
Increasing Physical Activity
Accessing Healthy Food
Avoiding Commercial Tobacco products
Pathways communities must come together to make real, sustainable change.
Every implementation grantee must engage in community wellness related policy-work and adopt policy changes.
Check out the pathways projects below
Economic Stability
Food Pantry Package (South Barber Ministerial Alliance and Food Bank)
Community & Social Context
Placemaking Package (City of Isabel)
Placemaking Package (City of Hardtner)
Storytelling Package (BCU)
KLC Package (BCU)
Healthier Hospital Food Environment Package (KDH)
Physical Activity Prescription Package (MLMH)
Healthier Daycare Package (KDH)
Modeling School Wellness Package (USD 255)
Modeling School Wellness Package (USD 254)
Healthy Food Retailer Package (Kiowa Hometown Market)
Neighborhoods & Physical Environments
Multimodal Transportation & Recreational Trails Package (Memorial Peace Park & ML Peace Treaty Association)
Access to Community Recreational Facilities Package (City of Sharon)